Japanese anime cels, genga, douga, hanken, and other sketches from
Dragon Ball Z/GT, Naruto, Rahxephon, Tenchi Muyo!, Texhnolyze, Trigun, and CLAMP X/1999, and other anime including Card Captor Sakura, Ergo Proxy, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Record of Lodoss War, Slayers, and Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Dragon Ball Z & GT
with The History of Trunks and Movie 9: Bojack Unbound


with Quon Special, ラーゼフォン間奏曲 "Her and Herself"「彼女と彼女自身と」

Tenchi Muyo!
Tenchi Muyo! OVA, Tenchi TV, Tenchi GXP, Movie 1: Tenchi in Love, Movie 3: Tenchi in Love 2, Pretty Sammy OVA
Some Tenchi screenshots were grabbed from episodes available for free on the official Funimation Youtube channel

Episode 1


CLAMP X/1999
X The Movie, X TV Series, Playstation Game X: Unmei no Sentaku (X~運命の選択~)

Other Anime
Card Captor Sakura, Ergo Proxy, Gundam Wing, Outlaw Star, Record of Lodoss War, Slayers, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust